I have heard Denzel Washington give this speech at a commencement. He said, when you start your day, you must own your morning. When you wake up in the morning, you must say thank you for understanding. Thank you for wisdom. Thank you for love. Thank you for kindness. Thank you for peace. Thank you for prosperity, say thank you in advance for what already yours. And boy, is he right?
When you wake up with an attitude of gratitude, you will find throughout your day more things for you to be grateful for. Start you day off my listing three things you’re grateful for. It could just be saying thank you like Denzel Washington mentioned earlier or saying I’m grateful and thankful for my life. I am grateful and thankful for my kids. I am grateful and thankful for my business.
Those are my personal things I am grateful for. You can find your own, where focus goes energy flows. where you shine the light is what you will see. If you are focusing on the positive, if you’re focusing on what’s healthy that’s what you will continue to attract.
As some of you know we have a HitSavers App coming out that will help you with journaling and a section for talking about the amazing things that happened that day for you. The app has these and many other features that will help you with your morning.
If you act, you will be more confident.
If you act you will get better at something and enhance your confidence,
Write three things you want to accomplish today!
Go ahead write them, I am waiting…
I know that this will help!
They can be emotions, random thoughts, reflections on how you’re feeling, or just the first three words that pop into your head.
The reason why it’s important to write three things is even if they are meaningless words, it does two things.
First, it forces momentary awareness of what you were thinking or feeling. So writing three words, forces a moment of attention.
What’s more, studies show that writing down a few words helps in later recalling what you were thinking at that moment.
Morning enthusiasts , grab the app so you can have access to the I am grateful journal. Remember, it’s nine actionable items that can be done in nine minutes to hack your morning. I pray that you find this valuable. I will see you at the top of your best morning routine ever. Stay blessed!