Writing a book is a huge undertaking. Its true essence is not the title or identity but the core of the message. Learn how to look at the big picture, stay connected to your purpose and get your creative juices flowing. Start your writing process and finish your book!
My guest today is Adriana Monique Alvarez. Adriana is the CEO and Founder of AMA Publishing, where she teaches women, entrepreneurs, consultants, speakers, and coaches how to start highly profitable publishing companies. She’s an international bestselling author and has been seen in Forbes, Huffington Post, International Living, Addicted2Success, Elephant Journal, FOX, ABC, and NBC.
At 1:30, we start with Adriana sharing what inspired her to help others in publishing their books. She shares that it was not something that she set out to do. When she started her business 12 years ago, she noticed a pattern, almost every person who wanted to write a book had something to share, but no one did it. Most of her clients were doing business, raising babies, and homeschooling, and writing a book felt intimidating and overwhelming. This was a lot to juggle, and as a problem solver, Adriana provided simple solutions to make it easy for them. She started by teaching them how to write for publications and then created a collaboration book where each person contributed a chapter to help them prepare to write their own books.
Adriana shares that when she put out the book, it sold out in one social media post, which inspired her to create six more books the same year. However, she noticed that people didn’t want to share their stories; they wanted to feel supported. Adriana also realized that there were so many stories to be shared, and she couldn’t share them all. She needed to help others start their own publishing house. She went to social media, posted her new idea, and her first round sold out instantly. The company grew from there, and most of her clientele is by referrals. To learn more, tune in at 03:04
There is something special in sharing our stories, and at 04:14, Adriana explains why this is vital in this generation. Storytelling is as old as time. Traditionally, people gathered around the fire to do it but not anymore. Sharing our wisdom and experience and allowing ourselves to be known and seen is what Adriana wants to keep alive. The grandparents, parents, or wise men are not teaching the young generation from their stories and life experiences as before. We need to keep the traditions alive. Storytelling is what connects us to our past and propels us to the future.
At 05:38, we learn about the process of writing and publishing a book. Adriana shares that writing a book is a huge extension of yourself, and you will want to make sure you take it down to the roots. Its true essence is not the title or identity but the core of the message and the legacy that you want to leave. Looking at the long-term picture and breaking it down into easy steps can help you stay connected to your purpose. The first step is knowing what you want to share and what you need to bring the book to life. Writing is a great achievement, and you need to give yourself a break and a victory rap to plan how you will get the message out, who you will collaborate with, where to speak and what you will sell at the backend. This is where the magic lies.
Adriana explains that she has a 12-month plan to help people market their books. The plan requires you to sit down with your books and determine what you want. According to her, everyone has their own definition of success and worth. Sitting down with your message will help you identify what you want to achieve from the beginning, and it’s part of your marketing plan. Adriana also shares that she creates a proposal and a plan based on individual definitions of success, and then they work backward. Starting with the end in mind will help you stay on track. To learn more about how to create a marketing plan, go to 07:25
At 09:02, Adriana shares that someone has to be of a certain calibrator to work with her. They must have the experience of creating content on a regular basis for their audience. With a strong muscle of content creation and practice of pulling out what is inside you, Adriana says you have a great foundation, and you can translate it into creating a book. This can be a certain number of hours in a day that you are writing or word count and can help you build discipline in writing. We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
Adriana has a unique morning routine that she started 6 years ago in Mexico when her boys were little. She gets up at 3 am most days to do yoga and meditation and ask questions that can help her plan her priorities, be the best version of herself, and be a blessing to others. According to her, asking yourself good questions will get you good answers, and for her, whatever she receives, she often writes it down for referencing later. Adriana’s morning routine puts her in a good place because it keeps her connected and centered within herself. To hear more about how she wakes up, dresses up, and shows up, go to 11:11
You can start your day in a hole or a great place. At 13:37, Adriana shares that ending a day with a couple of positive key elements perfectly starts her up the next morning. The first thing she does is highlight a reel by telling her family and friends the best moments of her day. Second, she listens to The Three Magic Words Wayne Dyer – Meditation. Third, she asks one good question, and the answer is always there when she wakes up in the morning. Our subconscious mind is very powerful, and tapping into it will work every time.
[00:37] A bit about our guest today, Adriana Monique Alvarez
[01:31] How Adriana started publishing and helping others do the same
[03:04] Growing from a small group to a helping people create their own publishing company
[04:14] The reason Sharing our stories is so important
[05:38] The processes of writing, publishing, and marketing your own book
[07:26] How Adriana helps people to make their book marketing plan
[09:02] How to cultivate your discipline to write and publish Your book
[11:11] Adriana’s morning routine, how she wakes up, dresses up, and shows up
[13:37] Why a successful morning routine begins the night before