An introduction to lean canvas

Welcome to the Topic “An introduction to lean canvas ” As a guide for entrepreneurs, the Lean Canvas is heavily influenced by the lean startup methodology and serves as a tactical plan. You can use the lean canvas to develop a single-page business plan that breaks down your business idea into its most important assumptions. Read More

How to Break Bad Habits

How to Break Bad Habits I know that some of you have been feeling overwhelmed by all the information available about how to break bad habits As a Habit Coach, I have a tendency to get stuck with the nitty-gritty behind breaking bad habits too. From stopping cold turkey, to increasing friction punishment when I Read More

Why you need a business model

Welcome to the Topic “ Why you need a business model” When designing your business concept there are a lot of questions that come up. What problem are you solving? Who is your target audience? How will you create customer value? How will your product or service get to customers? How will your business stay competitive? Read More

Things you need to integrate in your business model

Welcome to the Topic “Things you need to integrate in your business model” A business model explains how an organization generates value, how it communicates value, and how it might capture value. When entrepreneurs want more clarity about what they are doing, they need to design and enhance a business model for themselves, as well Read More

A Beginner’s Guide To Entrepreneurship

Welcome to the Topic “A Beginner’s Guide To Entrepreneurship ” You may desire to establish your own business, but you don’t know where to begin. When it comes to making your dreams a reality, there are countless avenues for you to pursue. A business plan is a need for anyone hoping to succeed as an Read More

The Dos and Don’t Of A Business Plan

Welcome to the Topic “The Dos and Don’t Of A Business Plan” There is one golden rule that supersedes all others when it comes to developing a business plan, and that rule is that your business plan must address each of the primary concerns of your potential backer. Table of Contents There is one golden Read More

5 Qualities Of Every Successful Business Owner

Welcome to the Topic “5 Qualities Of Every Successful Business Owner” Entrepreneurship is a challenging yet rewarding professional path, regardless of the field in which you work. There are universal characteristics or qualities that entrepreneurs share which contribute to their success.  1. Risk Tolerance. When it comes to starting your own business, the word “risk” Read More

Why You Should Start Your Own Business 

Welcome to the Topic “Why You Should Start Your Own Business ” When you consider the fact that there are already 30.7 million small businesses operating in the United States alone, you’ll discover that it’s a lot simpler to learn how to start a business than it used to be. However, starting a business can still Read More

You Need to know these entrepreneurship tips

Welcome to the Topic “You Need to know these entrepreneurship tips” Embrace your fears. Even though fear is necessary, it is never unconquerable. You may be comforted by the fact that many entrepreneurs begin with a degree of trepidation and apprehension. The important thing is to use your fear productively.  Make a list of the Read More