Welcome to the Topic “Business Model Canvas Vs. Lean Canvas”
Following are the elements common in both these types of Canvas models:
The business model canvas is designed for use by both newly founded and established companies. Only newly established companies are intended to use the lean canvas.
The clients, investors, business owners, consultants, and advisers are the target demographics for the business model canvas. Entrepreneurs are the only people the lean canvas is intended for.
The client channels and relationships are given a lot of focus in the business model canvas. The client categories are not emphasized in the lean canvas because it is possible for startups to not yet have any customers.
The existing infrastructure, various sources of financing, and predicted revenue streams are analyzed using the business model canvas. A problem-oriented approach is taken while using the lean canvas, which is then followed by a proposed solution, the channels that are necessary to accomplish this solution, how much it will cost, and the predicted revenue streams.
The business model canvas focuses on methods, both quantitative and qualitative, that can be utilized in order to maintain an active presence in the market. The lean canvas examines whether or whether the startup company has an edge over its potential competitors and, if it does, how to capitalize on that advantage in the most effective way.
When put into practice, the business model intends to create an atmosphere that is conducive to understanding, open dialogue, and constructive feedback that is based on analysis. When put into practice, the Lean Canvas takes a methodical, step-by-step approach to guiding start-ups through a development cycle that is focused on problem-solving.

Pros of Business Model Canvas
Simplified while maintaining its focus.
The organizational framework of the Business Model Canvas does away with a linear framework in favor of a template that is built on cells. This is done on purpose to encourage you to develop connections between all aspects of your organization as soon as you can. Instead of laying out expenses, value propositions, and possible clients in a disconnected manner, you go through them side-by-side and have the ability to simply reference prior parts as you construct new ones.
More rapid in its production.
You should be aware that the Business Model Canvas provides you with only a limited amount of room to exploit. Because of this, the development of the strategy should go more quickly and should not present as many challenges.
For instance, the problem occupies a bigger portion of the page, yet your solution and the metrics are each about half as large.
This demonstrates to you, without providing specific instructions, that you need to do an in-depth and prolonged investigation into potential problems and investigate as many available solutions as you possibly can.
However, the solution that you come up with and the data measures that you take should be as streamlined and purposeful as possible in regard to the problems that you have discovered.
Brings your company concept into visual form.
In addition to being valuable for you, your team, and any third parties trying to picture your business model, the structure of the Business Model Canvas is also useful. It demonstrates the architecture of your company and assists in connecting the dots between the many business components, all without the requirement of having in-depth knowledge.
It’s a simple visual that’s easy to work with during pitch or strategy meetings, and it’s excellent for starting any discussions regarding aspects of your business.
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Also Read: An introduction to lean canvas