The Maximizer effect
CEO & Founder of Best Morning Routine, Ever! Dr. Lunide is the host of the well-known podcast Best Morning Routine, Ever! Creator of the HitSavers Morning Routine App — 9 actionable items done in 9 mins to improve the quality of your day, your life!
Dr. Lunide gets to wake up every day to do something she loves. She gets to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. She believes it’s the most wonderful thing in the world. In fact, the best part is trying to figure out all the different ways she can do it. From her well-known morning routine Podcast to her Hitsavers Habit App – to her Business Development Coaching — to her Smart iMirror — Lunide sees what everyone else has seen – but think — what no one else has thought. How do you Get up, Dress up & Show — in your life?
She can see how people’s talents match the tasks that must be completed. Excellence, not average, is her measure and pursuit.
Dr. Lunide has a quality orientation that leads her to focus on areas of strength for herself and others and to manage around weaknesses.

The Maximizer effect
Maximizers have and bring others a focus on quality. They naturally prefer working with and for the best.
They create strengths within groups by enabling each person to do what they naturally do best. Their drive toward excellence can lead to a new standard of success.
I maximize strength as a way to stimulate personal and team excellence. I transform something vital into something superb. I am a Maximizer.
Dr. Lunide sees talents and strengths in others, usually before anyone else does.
Strengths — whether her own or someone else’s — fascinate her.
She loves to help others become excited about their potential. Dr. Lunide can see what people do best and which jobs they will be good at.
She can see how people’s talents match the tasks that must be completed. Excellence, not average, is her measure and pursuit.
Dr. Lunide has a quality orientation that leads her to focus on areas of strength for herself and others and to manage around weaknesses.

What is a business development partnership? And why you should care?
Business development can be a tough nut to crack. The key to making it big in the market is ensuring your skill level is up to the mark. No compromises there.
But then that is the fun part. You love your skill and will do whatever it takes to polish it.
I do all the boring parts. I get down with my team to uplift you by doing all the technical, time-consuming grunt work for you.
Get rid of “don’t know where to begin” once and for all
Are you growing extremely slow in your business plan because of wearing all the hats yourself? You are experiencing mental exhaustion and burnout by trying to execute everything important to your business.
Initially, you don’t have the appropriate funds and resources to hire top-notch talent. Also, it’s taking so much of your time.
Take my ultimate deal to get going. Start working on all the beautiful aspects of your skill. Leave the rest to me.